<!-- -->Inserts hidden comments
<!DOCTYPE>Sets the document type
<a>Inserts links or bookmarks
<abbr>Explains/expands abbreviations
<acronym>Explains/expands acronyms
<address>Shows contact information of the author
<applet>Inserts an applet (script)
<area>Defines sectors for image maps
<b>Converts text into bold style
<base>Sets the base URI used to solve relative URIs
<basefont>Sets the default font size for the entire document
<bdo>Overrides the bidirectional algorithm for its content
<big>Displays text in "large" font style
<blockquote>Inserts a paragraph quotation
<body>Acts as a container for all renderable elements in the document (document's body)
<br>Forces a line break
<button>Creates a button that allows HTML content (elements)
<caption>Sets a caption for a table
<center>Displays its content centered
<cite>Inserts a citation or reference
<code>Declares its content as computer code
<col>Sets general attributes for a table's columns
<colgroup>Groups a number of columns in a table
<dd>Shows a definition in a term/definition list
<del>Indicates text that should be deleted or replaced (no longer valid)
<dfn>Assings a definition to a term
<dir>Inserts a directory list (tree)
<div>Defines a block of content
<dl>Inserts a term/definition list
<dt>Inserts a term in a term/definition list
<em>Indicates emphasis for its content
<fieldset>Groups controls in a form
<font>Sets the font style for its content
<form>Inserts a form
<frame>Inserts a single frame
<frameset>Inserts a set of frames
<h1>Defines a level 1 heading
<h2>Defines a level 2 heading
<h3>Defines a level 3 heading
<h4>Defines a level 4 heading
<h5>Defines a level 5 heading
<h6>Defines a level 6 heading
<head>Encloses the document's header block (for document's global declarations)
<hr>Draws a horizontal line or ruler
<html>Acts as container for the entire document (head and body)
<i>Renders its content in italic font style
<iframe>Inserts a frame inside the content of the document
<img>Inserts an image
<input>Displays an input control (text, passwords, radio buttons, checkboxes, files, etc.)
<ins>Indicates that its content has been inserted in a previous text
<isindex>Provides a single line prompt
<kbd>Represents text to be entered by users
<label>Sets a label for a control in a form
<legend>Assigns a caption for a fieldset (group of controls in a form)
<li>Inserts an item in a list (for ordered and unordered lists)
<link>Gives relational information about a document by linking it to other resources
<map>Defines a client-side image map
<menu>Inserts a menu list
<meta>Provides information about the document in form of variables (name and value)
<noframes>Provides alternative content for frames, displayed when frames support is not available
<noscript>Provides alternative content for scripts, displayed when scripts support is not available
<object>Inserts external applications (e.g., Flash movies/animations)
<ol>Inserts an ordered list
<optgroup>Groups options in a "select" control
<option>Defines an option in a "select" control
<p>Inserts a paragraph
<param>Sets a parameter for an object
<pre>Renders preformatted text, usually in a fixed width font, respecting spaces and line breaks
<q>Inserts an inline quotation
<s>Renders strike-through text
<samp>Represents sample output for programs
<script>Acts as a container for client-side script code
<select>Creates a select control (drop-down list of options)
<small>Renders text in "small" font
<span>Encloses a piece of text (inline), most useful to assign attributes to its content
<strike>Renders strike-through text
<strong>Indicates strong emphasis for its content
<style>Contains style sheets code defining visual attributes for the document
<sub>Inserts subscript text
<sup>Inserts superscript text
<table>Acts as main container for table data
<tbody>Defines a body in a table
<td>Inserts a regular cell in a table
<textarea>Creates a multiline text input
<tfoot>Defines a footer in a table
<th>Inserts a header cell in a table
<thead>Defines a header in a table
<title>Defines a title for the entire document
<tr>Inserts a row of cells in a table
<tt>Renders teletype text
<u>Renders underlined text
Indicates an instance of a variable
Inserts an unordered list

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